George Lucas built off his success of Star Wars and created a whole different world with Indiana Jones and made a legend that we still love very much today.

Played by the iconic Harrison Ford, we fell in love with Indy and his fearlessness and optimism in any situation, it was something we hadn’t seen before or since. With the first movie coming out almost 40 years ago, we wonder what the saga would look like if it was made today. Who would play the Indy and his supporting crew? Here are 10 actors who would make up the cast of Indiana Jones if it was made today.

Marion Ravenwood

Marion was Indy’s disgruntled ex in Raiders of the Lost Ark and mother to his estranged son in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. She like Indy was pretty fearless and adventurous, despite being beautiful and young.

Her sense of adventure and her knack for getting in trouble and getting herself out can only be properly portrayed by the adventure-seeking Cobie Smulders. We know Smulders from How I Met Your Mother and Avengers. Like Marion, her character doesn’t like taking no for an answer and is reckless but intuitive.


Indy’s derpy but loyal friend Sallah was often the comic relief, getting himself in trouble by bumbling or being clumsy. He was a fan favorite because he was lovable and he was always by his friend’s side no matter how dangerous it was.

A British actor who can portray the clumsy, lovable and loyal friend is none other than James Corden. Corden is well known for being a funny guy, hosting his talk show and playing the relatable friend in movies. Like Sallah, Corden has a habit of getting in trouble but always finds himself getting out with friends’ help.

Rene Belloq

The big bad in Raiders of the Lost Ark, Belloq wanted what every villain in the 80s wanted, world domination. Although he doesn’t make it past the first movie, he still caused a lot of trouble for Indy and the group as he was a nazi after all.

When it comes to the evil genius, Bellow hits all the marks, sharp-dressed, smart, and manipulative. When it comes to playing all three Bradley Cooper is perfect for the role of the evil genius and can even pull off the all-white suit and hat.

Willie Scott

One of Indy’s underrated qualities is his way with the ladies. In just about every Indiana Jones movie, Indy had a new lady helping him and being romantically involved in some way. In the second installment, it’s the stuck up singer, Willie Scott.

Unlike Marion, Willie was not meant for adventure and was dragged in for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Although she spent most of the time complaining, she did prove to be a good ally for Indy and Short Round and therefore became a memorable character.

When it comes to pretty, talented, and adventurous, there is no one who can do the role justice like Julianne Hough.

Mola Ram

The big bad in Temple of Doom is an ancient priest with a cynical goal. He put the fear of God in those he ruled and was one of the only villains that was able to turn Indy.

When it comes to intimidating bad guys, one of the best in the business is Arnold Vosloo, the bad guy in just about every movie he’s in.

Most famous as the disgruntled Egyptian prince Imhotep in The Mummy, Vosloo has the intimidation factor and experience to play Mola Ram.

Dr.Marcus Brody

Marcus Brody was a long time friend of Indy’s dad and an uncle to Indy. He makes his presence known mostly in The Last Crusade but he is well known for being a calming and very intelligent figure in Indy’s life.

When we think Brody, we think fatherly, we think someone soft-spoken but also intuitive, we think Tom Hanks.

Tom Hanks has played hundreds of roles and is beloved by everyone for his charming personality and happy go lucky attitude, he’s pretty much Marcus Brody in real life.

Elsa Schneider

Indy’s third and briefest love interest betrays Indy and his father and almost succeeds in killing the pair. She’s uptight and very forceful, even before her betrayal.

When it comes to playing the beautiful damsel who stabs you in the back, we think Emilia Clarke can nail the role and even bring her own expertise into the role, as she did in Solo.

Henry Jones Sr.

Any Sean Connery role is almost impossible to top but we’re going to try. Henry Jones Sr was responsible for creating the hero we see in Indy and although he is a cold and distant father, we know he means well.

The professor’s essence is best put in the hands of the experienced and celebrated George Clooney. Clooney can definitely pull off the estranged father vibe while simultaneously playing the well mannered old Henry Jones Sr.

Short Round

We all fell in love when we met Short Round and were all disappointed when we didn’t see him past Temple of Doom. Short Round was all of us if we were to stumble upon an adventure with Indiana Jones and at only 10 years old had seen so much of the world with Indy.

Finding young talent like Short Round is tough but we think the best and most qualified by far is Fresh Off The Boat star Ian Chen.

Like Short Round, he usually has a response for everything and is loyal to the ones he loves.

Indiana Jones

Harrison Ford will always be the OG Indiana Jones, no matter how many reboots we might see in our lifetime. Finding an actor to replace him is nearly impossible considering how much be brought to the character and the legacy he created as the world-famous explorer. One of the only actors that would match his caliber is Kit Harington.

Kit Harington is very used to the spotlight and playing the hero and although he’s not smug in Game of Thrones he could surely make the role his own.