Sustainable living is much more than just a trend. Our planet is reacting to our impact and becoming far less hospitable. Living in harmony with our planet has become a topic of avid study. The ways we live and how we think about resources needs to change in order for us to go on. When it comes to things like where our food comes from, where our trash goes, and how we travel, every person is faced with daily choices. Documentaries have always been a quick and popular way to share and learn information. Given the increased interest in sustainable living more and more people are creating and watching informative films on the topic. Not all documentaries are created equal. The best ones deftly balance data and emotional appeals. This list includes those that make the biggest impact with objective facts.

True Cost

Fast fashion has changed the way we think about clothing. More garments are available than our species could ever use. True Cost takes a look at every aspect of this industry and how it impacts our planet. From the high-fashion runways where trends are set to the mountains of discarded garments that fill slums, fast fashion’s fingers have sunk into every corner of the world. Not only does this industry exploit unethical labor but it takes a massive toll on the natural world. With such an abundance of garments we seldom think twice about bagging up our unwanted and outdated items to throw away or donate. Either option we chose often means these garments end up in the same place, a landfill. Synthetic materials are more popular than ever which means our landfills are teeming with plastic fiber clothing. These garments won’t biodegrade and they may even give off-gas. True Cost asks us to take a hard look at our clothing choices.


Earthlings is probably the most controversial film on this list. It tackles a very sensitive and personal subject, diet. Earthlings strives to expose the plight of animals raised for food and even those kept as pets. Arguments against the practice of keeping pets are largely subjective but the facts on factory-farmed meat are undeniable.

The practice pollutes waterways and contributes a significant amount to greenhouse gasses. Beyond the observed effects on human health, eating animal products is harmful to the environment. Earthlings uses a combination of graphic imagery and celebrity voice-overs to passionately reach its audience.

Before The Flood

Before The Food address one of the most urgent issues of our time. In this documentary, Leonardo DiCaprio leverages his celebrity to spread information. He travels the world extensively as a United Nations Messenger of Peace to learn more about climate change. Through his journey, he meets with scientists, politicians and great thinkers. Not only does the film highlight the devastating effects climate change has already had on the planet and humanity but it takes a look forward at what could happen if inaction continues.

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth follows former presidential candidate Al Gore as he travels the country giving lectures on climate change. Al Gore presents his information with little more pomp than a few slides yet the film captivated audiences and critics alike. When the film was released in 2006 climate change was not the daily topic that it has become today. The effect humans are having on the earth was known and heavily documented but public awareness was still low. While the subject matter is incredibly important and requires immediate attention the film also presents audiences with something else, a new perspective on Al Gore himself. The film highlights his rarely seen emotional and even humorous sides.

More Than Honey

Bees are an incredibly important species that many others depend on. Without them 80% of the plant species on earth would be left with no pollinators and could not survive. Many of the plants that humans and animals rely on for food would cease to exist without bees. More Than Honey delves into a disturbing issue facing these important and often overlooked creatures.

Over the course of the last 15 years, an incredible amount of bees have disappeared. Anywhere from 50% to 80% of some local populations have left their hives never to be seen again. Scientists refer to the phenomenon as Colony Collapse Disorder. No one is certain as to the cause of CCD but as the film explains, it seems to be a combination of several factors including electromagnetic waves, pesticides, viruses, and more.

A Plastic Ocean

This film presents viewers with a difficult truth. The ocean has become so heavily polluted with plastic that the damage is irreversible. We could never remove the plastic that’s there now. We can only hope to stop contributing to the problem. This film explores the people and technologies that offer hope for the future. It also examines the overlooked toll that plastic pollution has on human health. Many films have been made about the issue of plastic pollution. Few so fearlessly face the aspect of plastic privilege in which richer nations’ waste ends up in other countries where there is no municipality in place to manage it.


Sustainability is a hot topic. Everyone wants to learn more about it and how they can help. Cowspiracy tackles the one lifestyle choice individuals can make which has the biggest potential impact on environmental sustainability. The animal agriculture industry is one of the biggest threats to the health of our planet.

The filmmakers seek to not only educate on the dangers of large factory farming but to also investigate why environmental agencies are so hesitant to talk about it. Several experts in the film warn that the filmmakers’ personal freedom and even their safety could be put at risk if they pursue the issue. Animal agriculture deserves to be challenged and scrutinized and this film bravely does just that.


In our society, we often equate wealth and material possessions with success. Minimalism explores the true value of things as it looks into the growing lifestyle of living with less.  Subjects from a variety of backgrounds are interviewed to give the audience a glimpse into their lives and why they choose to make do with less. Rampant consumption is filling our ocean and landfills with plastic. Cheaply made home decor, the pressure to constantly replace rather than repair items and many other factors have led to this “less is more” rebellion.

Chasing Coral

The plight of ocean corals has come more and more to the forefront of the public’s mind. Coral is a vital part of the planet’s delicate ecosystem. More than just a beautiful ornament, corals provide homes, protection, sustenance and more to sea life. This film follows a group of divers, scientists and photographers around the world as they seek to learn more about this disappearing treasure.


Tomorrow asks its viewers to look ahead and redefine how they see energy production, agriculture, economics and more. Rather than compelling its audience with the terrifying truth about climate change, Tomorrow seeks to inspire hope by showcasing the people talking about big solutions. When we look at what is possible and how much we can achieve it makes the first steps that much easier to take. Everyone wants a cleaner, brighter, healthier future. We just have to plan for tomorrow.