The lives of the Fosters were shaken up when Lena brought home Callie Jacob, a troubled teen straight from juvie. From the moment Callie is introduced to the rest of the family, it is sure to be a wild ride, and The Fosters never backed down from that.

As time went on, all the characters grew up as they found themselves in various situations ranging from high school drama to legal issues. But, the series never strayed away from its core topic, the importance of family. Lena Adams Foster stated it best when she said, “DNA doesn’t make a family, love does.” The Fosters always followed through on that sentiment.


As the series finale, “Where The Heart Is” has a lot of work to do to tie up loose ends. Taking place five years after Callie and Brandon’s high school graduation, the finale focuses on each member of the Foster family starting the next chapter of their lives. Although the primary storyline follows Brandon and Eliza’s wedding, it does inform the audience of what to expect with the rest of the family. By doing so, it also sets up the next phase of Callie and Mariana’s lives to be seen on Good Trouble. However, the finale delivers in one last way, watching as the house they had become a real family in is left behind as they all move forward.


Brandon admits the truth about why Callie ran away, forcing Stef and Lena to reconsider how to handle Callie’s predicament. Although they want her back, they understand that the timing is wrong and that Callie and Brandon should have some time apart. Being asked to share, Callie admits she wants her privileges so that she can explain to Jude why she left.

Unfortunately, an altercation with Cole quickly takes those privileges away. Even though Callie knows she is not allowed to leave Girls United, she can not stop herself from racing out of the house after seeing Brandon across the street. Meanwhile, Mike suggests that Jesus take up wrestling rather than continue on his ADD medications.


The Fosters has never shied away from real-life horrors, and this episode is just another example of it. School shootings are a terrifying part of reality in the US, and Anchor Beach faces the struggle when the school is put on lockdown. Without the ability to race around campus, Stef and Lena can not do anything but worry when they discover that Mariana is not listed in any attendance submission. In every classroom, kids sit up against the wall, being quiet, and waiting until they can leave. It is only when the SWAT team arrives in each room can everyone exit, hands placed above their heads.

THE SHOW S3E19 (8.6)

Brandon and Mat finally perform their senior project, a musical portrayal of Romeo and Juliet. As the play goes on, many characters are reminded of recent life events leading up to the performance. Brandon faces his feelings towards Courtney, Callie, and Courtney’s young son, Mason. Meanwhile, Mariana reflects on her relationship with Mat as they lean towards getting back together. During the performance, Stef is working, placed outside Callie and Jude’s old foster home. Once she gets inside, Stef realizes that the person who is dead in the house is not the man’s wife, but Jack, a friend of Jude’s.

VIGIL S1E9 (8.7)

Jesus and Mariana must face the consequences of their actions after Ana’s boyfriend shoots Stef. Although Brandon takes his anger out on the twins as everyone’s emotions run high. “Vigil” shows the supportive sibling bond between the kids when Jude shows up wanting to be with his brothers and sisters after learning about Stef. 

While unconscious, Stef recalls some of the most significant moments of her life. After waking up to Lena beside her, Stef formally asks Lena to marry her. Meanwhile, Mike is questioned about his part in the shooting, and it is not until Stef recalls the truth does the audience learn that Mike had shot an unarmed man.


Stef and Lena are thrown after Callie decides to live with Robert. Upset at the development, Mariana is angry at Callie because she will miss her. However, Callie feels it is the only way she will not have to lie to Stef and Lena. Although convinced of this, by the end of the episode, Callie breaks, admitting the truth to Stef. Not to be messed with again, Stef confronts Robert and lets him know that she will not be going down without a fight. Jesus decides that going to Flintwood is a bad idea if it would mean that both he and Callie would be leaving Mariana. “Now Hear This” is also known for Jude and Connor sharing the youngest gay kiss in television history.


An emotional end to the second season goes out with a bang. The custody battle between Robert and the Fosters finally comes to an end after Robert learns of the plan to have Callie emancipated so Stef and Lena can adopt her immediately. Mariana’s genius comes to the rescue when she hurts her ankle, tripping over Jesus’ skateboard. However, the biggest cliffhanger comes when Ana, Jesus, and Mariana land in a car accident, with a police officer mentioning that there was a reported fatality.  This episode marks Jake T. Austin’s final appearance as Jesus Foster, as Noah Centineo later took over the character in “Lucky.”

I DO S1E10 (8.9)

Wedding plans are in full swing as Lena’s parents and Stef’s mother help set up decorations for the ceremony. Although Stef can not stop making jokes about traditions, she does make it a point to tell Lena that she does want to marry her. Instead of letting the voice in her head get the best of her, Stef confronts her father, informing Frank that if he is not one-hundred percent supportive and behind the wedding that he should not show up because she does not want that at her ceremony.

Callie’s trial against Liam does not end in her favor. However, she does receive good news anyway. Stef and Lena officially ask Callie and Jude to adopt them.

PADRE S1E15 (8.9)

Stef’s father’s death is only part of the emotional destruction at play in the Foster household. While Stef grieves for Frank, she also realizes that Mike’s incident when he shot Ana’s boyfriend is still making waves when a journalist writes an article about it. Meanwhile, Stef and Lena also are keeping eyes on Callie and Brandon, while they believe the two are broken up, Callie’s decision to be emancipated and live on her own worries them. The funeral causes Callie to recall her mother’s funeral when she and Jude were younger. After a conversation with Stef, Callie realizes that she can not go through with her plan and wants to be adopted by Stef and Lena.

MANY ROADS S5E19 (8.9)

Mariana gives Jesus a pleasant surprise by gathering their family and close friends to help create a treehouse to count as Jesus’ senior project. The amount of credits the project counts as allows Jesus to move on to senior year in the fall. Brandon stays with Grace during her last hours and grieves for her afterward. Callie tries to make her case as to why she should attend law school in the fall after Callie’s hard work with Ximena and her family pays off, allowing them to stay in the country. “Many Roads” also features a treat as it is not just Callie and Brandon’s graduation, but it begins the time jump, showing Jesus, Mariana, and Jude’s ceremonies as well.