How I Met Your Mother is a series that is known for its romance. Throughout all nine seasons, the main focus of HIMYM is the love lives that all the main characters experience, whether it be through the lens of Ted, Robin, Barney, Marshall, or Lily. We follow them on their relationship journeys as they explore life in their 30s in New York City. Sometimes these relationships can be insanely romantic and it makes us love the series all the more.

What are some of the biggest and best gestures of true love on the show? There are too many to possibly count, but here we have gathered the top 10 most swoon-worthy moments on How I Met Your Mother.


The blue french horn became a staple of the series, its symbolism just as important to HIMYM as the yellow umbrella. Whereas the yellow umbrella symbolizes Ted’s relationship with Tracy, the blue french horn symbolizes Ted’s love for Robin.

When he stole it for her, he told her he would gladly steal a whole orchestra for Robin. He has made it clear throughout the series that he would do absolutely anything for her because she is the love of his life.


One of the most beautiful and heartwarming moments in the entire series that centers around romance as its main theme, is when Ted and Tracy go on a date for the first time. It’s wonderful because we have been waiting for nine whole seasons to find out who the mother was, and Tracy turned out to be absolutely perfect for Ted. In the series, Ted claims that he wants a partner who will find his little quirks endearing rather than flawed.

When Tracy laughs at his shellfish joke that everyone else thinks is lame, it’s clear that she finds his dorky quirks to be sweet because she herself is just as dorky as Ted. Ted and Tracy are perfect for each other and we’re so happy they finally found each other in the end.


This is when Ted falls in love with Tracy and hears her voice for the first time. The two are sitting outside on the balcony next door from each other, and his future wife sings a beautiful rendition of “La Vie En Rose” which ends up changing everything for Ted. The cutest part is, after Tracy and Ted started a family together, she would sing them “La Vie En Rose” all the time to help them fall asleep.

When Ted first hears her voice, it is during a time when he is at his lowest point because Robin and Barney are getting married even though he is still in love with Robin. Just when he was about to give up hope and lose all faith in love, Tracy restored his faith with one little song. Finally, after what felt like ages, we got to see who “the mother” was. It was a very rewarding and romantic moment on the show, and they certainly did the scene justice.


One of the reasons we love Marshall and Lily so much as a couple is because they are never afraid to be labeled as uncool. They have no shame in displaying their affection for one another.

One of the ways they show off their goal-worthy relationship is by wearing awesome couples’ costumes every Halloween. Whether they are going as Captain Jack Sparrow and his loyal parrot or as the lead love interests in Juno, their costumes always prove to us how they are willing to go all out and be dorks together.


Barney is not the type of person who commits to just anyone.Although he tries to act as though he is above it all and that he’s just naturally a player, we found out that the reason he won’t commit is because he has been severely hurt before by an ex. She broke his heart, and thus, the Barney Stinson we are all familiar with was born.

He fell head over heels for Robin because she was willing to be playful with him and she shared all of his common interests. One of their biggest traditions on the show as a pair was playing laser tag together because it bonded them in a special way that we can’t help but admire. It proves that their relationship is based on a deep friendship filled with respect and companionship.


Ted had been trying to get Stella to go on a date with him for ages, and she kept dodging his invitations to go out as much as he tried to make it happen. Later, he realized that the reason she kept refusing to go out with him wasn’t because she lacked interest, but instead due to the fact that she wasn’t in a place in her life where she had time to go on dates.

Thus, Ted came up with the idea to create a two-minute date with Stella, where they did all of the regular first date activities in the span of two minutes. It was an adorable move, and it made us appreciate how willing Ted was to make things work with her. When Ted wants to impress a woman, he isn’t afraid to go all out each time.


Robin had a special locket that was passed down to her from her grandmother, and she buried it in Central Park as her “something old” for her wedding. When she couldn’t dig it back up, she took it as a sign that she shouldn’t marry Barney, and that she was making the wrong choice. Ted wanted Robin to be happy, so as an act of love, he traveled to the other side of the country to retrieve the locket for her.

He literally swam to the bottom of the lake to find the locket for Robin, and he gave it to Barney in order to pretend he found it, so she wouldn’t be worried about marrying him. It was a truly selfless act and it made us see how much Ted truly loved Robin and wanted her to be happy regardless of how much it hurt him. Now that is an act of true love right there.


Marshall and Lily have a tradition where they always pick each other up at the airport whenever the other person comes home from traveling, and each time they bring home a pack of beer. After being together for many years, they wonder whether or not they should put an end to that tradition because they have been together for so long and life always gets in the way.

When Lily thinks Marshall isn’t going to show up at the airport, he gets an entire marching band to serenade her and he tells her how much he loves her and that he never wants to give up their little traditions because they are so special to him.


Marshall and Lily rarely get into fights. They are one of those adorable couples that doesn’t see the need to get into silly little arguments because they are always content with each other.

On the rare occasions when they do get into fights, they do this cute thing where they say “pause” whenever they want to stop their argument and be loving and affectionate with each other while on “pause”.


It is such a beautiful moment when Ted and Tracy meet for the first time, because after all of the heartbreak they’ve both been through in their lives, they finally come together and end up making each other insanely happy. It all comes together perfectly when they meet under the yellow umbrella, the symbol that the series has been leading up to for nine whole seasons.