HBO’s Sex and the City would be nothing without all of the romance and horror stories brought on by Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte, as they explore the dating pool as single women in New York City. While most of these dating experiences end up in utter disaster, occasionally when these women find partners who are worthwhile, they tend to share extremely beautiful moments that make us swoon every time we watch them. There are tons of awe-inspiring moments on the show that center around romantic gestures, but which romantic moments on the show were the biggest and the best?


This marriage proposal is so incredibly spot-on for Miranda and Steve’s relationship, and we honestly couldn’t imagine a proposal between these two that would be more fitting for them as a couple. The fact that Miranda is the one to propose to Steve makes a whole lot of sense because she has always been the one in charge.

Miranda is a type-A personality whereas Steve is most certainly Type-B. Yet somehow, their opposing personalities only work to improve their relationship for the better. The fact that the proposal between them is so casual and unflashy makes it even more romantic because it speaks uniquely to their relationship. Their love isn’t over-the-top, but this doesn’t make their bond any less beautiful or inspiring.


When Carrie and Big date the first time around, Carrie asks Big if she is “the one.” When he can’t answer her due to the fact that he isn’t sure yet, she leaves him because she is looking for that kind of passionate romance in her life and he is unable to offer it. Yet as the series progresses, Big and Carrie get to know each other more, and in the finale, Big tells Carrie “you’re the one.” It’s a beautiful moment, referencing all the way back to the beginning of the series. Also, it helps that he does it in Paris while they are both dressed to the nines in an incredibly romantic setting.


Arguably one of the best and most romantic moments in the entire series. Charlotte has just officially gotten divorced from Trey, and Harry is her divorce lawyer. He seduces Charlotte by telling her that she is the “sexiest woman I’ve ever met.” He goes on to say that he feels like Romeo whenever he’s around her and that he can’t stop thinking about her.

Even though Charlotte is initially grossed out by him because he isn’t her type — at all — she finds herself absolutely crazy about him because he makes her feel beautiful and flawless, which is exactly how she has always wanted to feel.


Carrie has had a number of love interests throughout the series, some awful, some decent. Yet out of all of her boyfriends and hookups throughout the course of being single in New York City, no one seemed to understand her as an individual as much as Mr. Big. He knew her personality like nobody else, and he knew where her passions lied. Of course, one of her greatest passions, as Big knew, was clothes. This is why he built her an entire closet. Romantic gestures are the sweetest when they are personal, and this gesture was so beautiful because it was specific and unique to Carrie Bradshaw’s interests and desires.


Most of us felt terrible for Aidan in Season 3 when we saw just how in love with Carrie he was, even though she was continuously cheating on him with Mr. Big. During this whole secretive affair, Aidan tells Carrie that flaws can be good, and in fact, he believes that “flaws are the best part.” This is incredibly romantic because when you are able to love someone for their flaws rather than what makes them perfect, it proves that your feelings are real and go deeper than infatuation or lust.


Harry and Charlotte are arguably the best couple in the entire series. They both fulfill each other’s love needs perfectly, and Harry treats Charlotte so well to the point where we are all hoping that we will one day find a “Harry” of our own. After the two get into a horrible fight that was all the result of a miscommunication, Charlotte ventures out searching for Harry because she finds herself to be miserable without him.

She has been pushing Harry to marry her, yet when they reconnect, she says they don’t even need to get married because just being with him would be enough. Yet to Charlotte’s shock, he says: “that’s not good enough”, and then gets down on one knee to propose to her. It’s the perfect moment and we are so happy that Charlotte has found happiness at last with the man of her dreams.


While Carrie finds it cheesy that her boyfriend Aleksandr has written a song for her, specifically about her eyes, we find it to be rather romantic. Throughout the show, no one in Carrie’s dating life has done something as romantic and personal as this, so the gesture was totally foreign to her and thus made her a bit uncomfortable. Yet we’re gonna have to agree with Charlotte on this one, when she states that the gesture was a lovely and thoughtful profession of love. How often do these ladies get a partner who will go so far as to write a song dedicated to them? We don’t see Berger or Trey doing anything like that!


Samantha Jones, as we know, is the opposite of the hand-holding type. She has always been a commitment-phobe, and she only would ever even think to hold hands with a man if she thought him to be “the one.” In fact, if we were to guess, Samantha has most likely never held hands with a man in her life. So when Smith inspires Samantha to simply hold his hand, she finally gives in, and she loves every second of it. It’s a beautiful sight to witness, and it’s one we thought we would never live to see.


In the Sex and the City movie, Miranda and Steve face a bump in the road in regards to their marriage. They hadn’t been intimate with each other in a long time, and Steve went out to find that intimacy elsewhere. He admits to Miranda that he cheated on her, and we were shocked beyond belief. They seemed like such a great couple, so when this happened, we were terrified that they would break up for good.

They made a deal with each other that if Miranda could forgive Steve, she would meet him at the Brooklyn Bridge at a certain hour. If she didn’t show up, it meant their relationship was over. Well, they both showed up, and when they embraced each other in a warm hug, it was made clear that they had both forgiven each other completely. It was incredibly sweet as well as a tear-inducing moment.


And finally, one of the most romantic moments on the show had nothing to do with the boyfriends and husbands of the four ladies that lead the series. It was when Charlotte suggested to her best friends that they were each other’s soulmates, and it was a gorgeous moment because these ladies have been through absolutely everything together. Sometimes, as this scene proves, the most important love you will ever have has been right in front of your eyes this whole time. Why hope for anything more?