Moon Knight is a character that fans have been waiting a long time to see in the MCU and the wait won’t be much longer with the announcement of the Moon Knight series coming to Disney+. He is one of the most complex and interesting heroes in the Marvel universe and it is very exciting to imagine how they will bring this character to life in live-action form.

As exciting as it is to finally see Moon Knight, the unique character could bring along a lot of other great characters on his adventures. From characters already established in the MCU to brand new characters, there are a lot of exciting possibilities. Here are some of the characters who could appear in the Moon Knight series.


Every good hero needs a loyal sidekick and Frenchie is Moon Knight’s steady right-hand man. Before he became Moon Knight, Marc Spector worked as a mercenary and Jean-Paul DuChamp, aka Frenchie, was his ally in the business.

Once Marc takes on the heroic mantel of Moon Knight and begins fighting crime, Frenchie is one of the few people he trusts to help him. Frenchie is a skilled fighter, a pilot and helps design some of Moon Knight’s weaponry. He is like Alfred Pennyworth and Q all rolled into one and could be the perfect supporting role for the series.


Moon Knight is one of the prominent heroes who work in New York City which means there is always the possibility he could run into some of his fellow crime fighters who live there. Of course, when you think of superheroes in New York, the first character that comes to mind is Spider-Man.

While Spider-Man might seem too big of a character to bring into the television world, the new Disney+ shows seem to be attracted to some big characters. Even if it is just a cameo or appearance in one episode, it would be fun to see the two characters in the big city together and assure us all that Spidey really is back in the MCU.

Doc Samson

One of the most interesting aspects of Moon Knight as a hero is his struggle with mental illness. The comics have established that Marc Spector suffers from multiple personality disorder. If this is explored in a respectful and thoughtful in the series, it could be really amazing. It also provides an opportunity to bring in Doc Samson.

Doc Samson is a psychiatrist who usually helps superheroes deal with their own issues. Samson was briefly featured in The Incredible Hulk, played by Ty Burrell. It would be fun to have him return for this series as a confidante for Marc and someone who helps him with his struggles.

Matt Murdock

While seeing Spider-Man pop up in the series would be fun, there is another New York-based hero that probably better fits Moon Knight’s darker tone. Matt Murdock aka Daredevil is one of the biggest Marvel heroes who has not appeared in the MCU to date. While his own Netflix solo series was a hit, its cancellation opens the door for him to finally join his fellow heroes on the big screen.

Given Murdock’s prominent role as a defense lawyer in New York City, he could appear alongside Marc Spector, introducing him to the MCU before he gets his own proper series or film.

Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom is possibly the greatest villain in the Marvel Universe, however, like the rest of the Fantastic Four, his big-screen appearances have been incredibly disappointing. Doom is a mad genius who seeks to conquer the world, but only because he thinks he is the only one who can save humanity.

Such a complex and interesting villain would be great to see in the MCU and it’s only a matter of time before he appears. Perhaps they would look to introduce him small, introducing him in a series, before building him into a bigger threat. Seeing as he’s faced off with Moon Knight in the comics, this would seem like an appropriate series for his debut.


Like Moon Knight, Darkhawk is a Marvel hero who is not a household name, yet has a cult following among fans. He is also a hero with a very interesting life outside of crime-fighting. Christopher Powell is a young teen living in Queens, New York with his family when he discovers a mysterious amulet that allows him to switch his body with android armor to fight crime.

Christopher also has a father who is a crooked cop and he abandons the family when his crimes come to light. Christopher struggles between his heroic pursuits and taking care of his family. He is another unique character who could have an intriguing supporting role in this series.


As with any superhero adventure, there needs to be a solid villain for the hero to face off with. Given that Moon Knight is a more street-level and grounded kind of hero, it would probably be best to find a villain who fits into a similar world. In that respect, Kingpin could be the perfect foe for this series.

Kingpin is another central New York City character in the Marvel Universe and has faced off with many heroes like Spider-Man and Daredevil. The character was also a big part of the Daredevil series but it would be great to see him brought into the MCU as the powerful and intimidating crime lord of New York.


Moon Knight is not the only exciting new Marvel character who will be getting their own Disney+ series. It was also announced that She-Hulk will be joining the MCU with her own show. She-Hulk aka Jennifer Walters is the cousin of Bruce Banner and a successful lawyer before getting a life-saving blood transfusion from Bruce which gives her Hulk powers.

The MCU has often introduced heroes in other movies before giving them their own solo series, like with Spider-Man and Black Panther. Moon Knight could be the perfect avenue to introduce the She-Hulk character, maybe even before she gains her superpowers.

Raoul Bushman

Every hero needs an arch-nemesis and for Moon Knight, that foe is a man named Raoul Bushman. Bushman worked with Marc Spector as a mercenary and the two considered themselves allies. However, while on a mission in Egypt, Marc attempts to stop Bushman from killing some innocent people and stealing their gold. Bushman beats Spector nearly to death which is when Spector is given the power of the Egyptian god, Khonshu.

It seems only natural that the villain who is directly connected to Moon Knight’s origins as a hero would be involved in the series.

Werewolf By Night

While Moon Knight eventually got his own comic series, the character first made his debut in Werewolf by Night #32. That comic series told the story of Jacob Russell, a young man who becomes a werewolf on his 18th birthday. Though he has trouble containing the animalistic tendencies, Jacob seeks to become an anti-hero with these powers.

Introducing a werewolf into the MCU might be a bit of a stretch, but Moon Knight might just be the perfect series to pull it off. It could be an interesting hero to have as part of this world and might even grow in popularity to the point of getting his own series.