The newest video game based on the long-running anime Dragon Ball Z is Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. The game goes back to the show’s roots, following the original storylines of the main character of the show, Goku. While this story has been told numerous times in games over the years, this one is being praised as the game that fans have waited for a long time due to its sleek gameplay and nostalgic story.

As with any popular game, people have already found frustrations or just general humor within it, leading to some hilarious jokes made at the game’s expense. Here are 10hilarious memes that have already been made about the game.

Always The Bridesmaid

Vegeta is known for lots of things, but one of the notable ones is always being in Goku’s shadow. Now, even after seven seasons of the show and dozens of games, many of which directly follow Goku, Vegeta still doesn’t have his day in the sun.

Then, just to rub salt in the wound, the game designers have the nerve to go and name this game Kakarot, the name for Goku that only Vegeta uses. It’s no wonder the Saiyan prince is mad all the time.

Side Tracked

A game aspect that will have another appearance later on the list is that a major part of it is gathering, cooking, fishing, and just doing an assortment of other side tasks. While many are fun or a nice deviation from the bulk of the game, there is still humor to be found in the fact that, while superbeings are actively destroying the universe, the only hero that could stop them is fishing at a lake for hours on end in an effort to feel prepared enough to take them on.

The Real Game

One of the most purely fun experiences in the vast game of Kakarot is driving the hovercar. This small side game is way more fun than it honestly has any right to be, and it’s a great break from the main levels of the game.

This meme goes as far as to say the minigame is better than the triple-A racing titles available on current-generation consoles. An audacious claim, yes, but just look how good super Saiyan Goku, a character that can fly at high speeds, looks behind the wheel.

A Little Urgency

Everyone that has played the game knows the importance—or just fun—of doing some gathering, prep-work, or side tasks. The game even rewards most of these actions or makes them almost necessary before taking on major challenges.

All of this makes it that much more annoying that Goku makes every single event sound like a world-ending threat that needs to be dealt with. Look, we are going to stop the evil supervillains, we just need to catch one more fish first.

Buffed Villain

Video Games based on anime almost always take some liberties in building game characters out of smaller characters from the shows. A weak character that does nothing wouldn’t have anything to offer in a playable capacity. That’s why games like Jump Force have godlike beings that can be defeated by a kid who regularly plays a trading card game.

The prime example of this in Kakarot is Dodoria, a nothing side villain in the show, that has already been buffed once for Xenoverse. His difficulty in Kakarot would lead you to believe he was Frieza’s right-hand man.

Angry Vegeta

While in the game you cannot use your special attack when free-roaming, this meme shows what would ultimately happen if you could. The rude boy that doesn’t hesitate to insult one of the strongest beings in the universe wouldn’t be so smug if Vegeta could use his galick gun outside of a battle.

Or, like in this example, Vegeta would skip his lower end moves and just annihilate a whole city from space after being roasted by a ten-year-old. Honestly, it fits his character.

Yamcha’s Demise

As if Yamcha hasn’t suffered enough. The character has become known as the series’ punching bag, being killed multiple times and never being strong enough to hang with the main warriors. This game retells his death at the hand of the first Saiyan attack for what feels like the hundredth time.

However, the death scene being so well-known is exactly what makes this meme so funny. Every fan knows exactly what happens in the next moment, and it is indeed a disaster for Yamcha.


A key component in the game’s gathering system is hunting animals for parts. However, there are several occasions in which Goku is tasked with stopping poachers from hunting animals and openly berating them for doing it. It seems awfully hypocritically if you ask me.

Which developer’s idea was it to make half the side quests in the game be stopping poachers, only to reward players for hunting every animal they can see within a hundred-foot radius? Might as well let Goku spirit bomb a forest then collect all the remains.

Tired Of Being Beat-Up By Goku

After this many iterations of their arcs, these villains have to be sick of being beaten down by Goku on endless repeat. Now, because that wasn’t enough, after killing them in the main story, you can actually bring them back to life with the Dragon Balls.

Bringing back the villains allows you to do a small quest to gain their soul emblems and see a fun side story play out. While this usually means fighting them again (which Goku is all about), it also means a slight friendship where they work with you on their mission as thanks for giving them life, but we think they are just pretending to avoid their next beating at the hands of Goku.

Anime Gaming

Anime fans are beyond aware of the laws at work which dictate “if anyone walks in while you are watching it, they are far more likely to see something disturbing, awkward, or just weird, then the insane ninja fight you swear was just happening a few seconds ago.”

Well, now that same fun experiences can be had while gaming. It’s a guarantee that, if someone you care about walks in, they will find you doing something ridiculous, when, moments before, you were casting an energy bomb into the earth to kill an evil alien overlord.